Tuesday 31 July 2012

Emergency Planning

We have just returned from the Derbyshire Centre's 3000th rally and 50 year anniversary weekend.  First and foremost, I have to thank the Committee for a really enjoyable weekend with something for everyone.  I must also commend them for their planning for emergencies during the rally, which, sadly were brought into action.

On Saturday afternoon, a rallier suffered a serious medical emergency.  The contingency planning went swiftly into action with a team headed by a retired paramedic giving CPR.  Chairs were put around the victim and the first aid team to shield them.  The compare for the afternoon's events asked everyone to move back, which request was immediately obeyed, and the crowd stilled automatically.

The emergency ambulance was summoned, and a small team of marshalls cleared the entry to the site, removing cordons and cones to give the ambulance free access.  All other traffic was refused access to the site and parked in an adjacent field.  A marshall with a hi-viz vest stayed at the gate to attract the attention of the ambulance driver.  There were events involving caravans and tents in four fields along the same road.

The situation was so serious that the Air Ambulance was called, and again the marshalls swung into action ensuring that sufficient space was available and that the same guy with the hi-viz vest was able to signal to the helicopter.

The ambulance and air ambulance teams took over care of the victim who was eventually taken to hospital in the ambulance, leaving the helicopter free to deal with other emergencies in the area.

Having watched the way in which the first aiders and marshalls from Derbyshire acted so calmly and effectively, I have to ask the questions - "How prepared are your rally teams?  Do you have qualified first aiders on hand at big events, or even small ones?  Do you offer any advice, training or contingency plans for your club?  If not, should you be thinking about the unthinkable before it happens?

I do not know the outcome of the incident.  It was very obviously serious.  The thoughts and prayers of all the team at Meals in Fields are with the victim, his family and friends.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was one of the main marshals for this event - and my husband is club secretary - I am very happy to tell you that the gentleman who suffered the heart attack was well enough to leave hospital a week later and is currently recovering very well at home thanks to the efforts of everyone involved who in all seriousness DID save his life.
